


Q:女は一生なんていいますが、いくつまでセックスできるの?A:セックスは何歳まででもできるもの。  感度も年齢には関係ありません
08-02 23:55

【Sex questions and troubles of adults】 How many sex can you do?
08-02 23:29

08-02 22:55

In other words, even though phenomena such as decreasing female hormone are the same, the cause of the person whose sexual desire is stronger after menopause and the person who becomes weaker can be said to be true / reverse. Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
08-02 22:29

Furthermore, the fact that the reproductive function as a woman "It became a body that a child can not give" is lost is one factor that weakens libido.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
08-02 21:55

さらに「子どもが産めない体になった」という、女性としての生殖機能がなくなったことが、性欲を弱くする一因になる人もいます。つまり、女性ホルモンの減少といった現象は同じでも、閉経後に性欲が強くなる人と弱くなる人の原因は真逆といえます。医学博士 関口由紀
08-02 21:29

Female hormone estrogen, one of its ingredients, when the estradiol figure falls below 10, feelings of accepting men will also decrease. Women who do not want to have postmenopausal sex are said to have this tendency, but the clear reason is not clear.
08-02 20:55

08-02 20:29

People with weakened libido do not want to do because sexual pain is present at sex, as the estrogen decreases, the vagina dries and atrophies, sex, and it hurts. It is a case that motivation disappears of them.
08-02 19:55

08-02 19:29

However, some people keep 20 to 50 even after menopause, and sexual desire is stronger due to the influence of male hormones.
08-02 18:55

08-02 18:29

Female hormone estrogen, one of its components, can be found by examining estradiol by blood test. Premenopausal women change estradiol to 100 to 300 (unit is pg / ml) before and after menstruation, but after menopment, it is generally less than 18.
08-02 17:55

08-02 17:29

Furthermore, the decrease in female hormone is related to the increase of dopamine in the brain hormone which is a neurotransmitter related to "enjoyment".
08-02 16:55

08-02 16:29

08-02 15:29

People whose sexual desire is stronger with menopause are said to be due to the relative increase of male hormones when female hormone decreases.
08-02 14:55

Immediately after menopause, some people weaken libido and others become stronger. It seems that hormones are involved, but I do not know the reason why. In addition there are other factors.
08-02 14:29

閉経直後、性欲が弱くなる人もいれば強くなる人もいます。ホルモンが関与しているようですが、はっきりとした理由は分かっていません。加えてそのほかの要因もあるようです。 閉経を機に性欲が強くなる人は、女性ホルモンが減ると相対的に男性ホルモンが増えることが一因といわれています。
08-02 13:55

【Sex questions and troubles of adults】 Menopause, sexual desire has become stronger at the same time as menopause ... ... why?
08-02 13:29

08-02 12:55

In other words, when it hurts, sexual desire also declines, and on the other hand, if one is healed, there is a high possibility that the remaining symptoms will also improve.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
08-02 12:29

There are sexual dysfunctions in sexual motivation disorder, excitement disorder, orgasmic disorder, dyspareunia, but people with only one disorder are uncommon, if every one gets worse.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
08-02 11:55

性機能障害には性的意欲障害、興奮障害、オーガズム障害、性交疼痛症がありますが、一つだけ障害がある人は珍しく、どれか一つあれば、すべてが悪くなっていく。つまり、痛いと性欲も落ち、逆にどれか一つを治せば、残りの症状も良くなる可能性が高いのです。医学博士 関口由紀
08-02 11:29

On the contrary, those who do not want to SEX become symptomatic "because they do not want to do because they have pain due to a decrease in female hormones, because of sexual pain.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
08-02 10:55

逆にSEXしたくなくなる人は、女性ホルモンの減少によって、性交痛が出て「痛いからしたくない」から、「やる気もなくなった」になるのです。医学博士 関口由紀
08-02 10:29

08-02 08:29

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