


60代で、セックスの最中にオーガズムを得る女性が80%を超えていることから、年を重ねてもセックスをしているカップルは、コミュニケーションがよりとれていることがうかがえる。[ジェクス]ジャパン・セックス・サーベイ 2013年版
09-24 23:55

It is necessary to convey the request once every three times, sometimes the woman on top posture of woman on top posture, female-oriented posture, and compassion to support men casually is not necessary.
09-24 23:29

09-24 22:55

09-24 21:55

I do not know orgasm, but if you have a good relationship with your partner and you regularly accept sex, please obediently reveal your request. The pleasure of male sex is to make the other woman type. If a woman does not tell a request, men's technique will not improve as well.
09-24 21:29

09-24 20:55

First of all it is a story of orgasm, after taking communication in conversation, then somehow body touch, and after a long absence of sex.
09-24 20:29

09-24 19:55

Most have partners, but they lack communication and are sexless. Therefore, there is no way to say "I want to know orgasm" suddenly to a partner, and it is necessary to step on the stage.
09-24 19:29

09-24 18:55

Q: What is orgasm? (47 years old · full-time housewife)A: To know orgasm, it is important that communication with partners is good
09-24 17:29

09-24 16:55

【Sex doubts & troubles of adults】 I do not know "cum"Anna's sexual doubt & answers the trouble - What is orgasm?
09-24 16:29

09-24 15:55

However, even though sex becomes anti-aging severely, sex with a partner whose relationship is not good gathers stress and adversely affects the mind and body conversely.Yokohama Motomachi Women Medical Clinic Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
09-24 15:29

しかし、いくらセックスがアンチエイジングになるといっても、関係が良好ではないパートナーとのセックスではストレスがたまり、逆に心身に悪影響を及ぼします。横浜元町女性医療クリニック 医学博士 関口 由紀
09-24 14:55

パートナーと安定したセックスがある人とない人では、心身の健康にも違いがあると思われます。例えば、軽い疲労と深い安心感からよく眠れるでしょう。睡眠がしっかりとれると免疫力も上がり、体調も良くなります。横浜元町女性医療クリニック 医学博士 関口 由紀
09-24 13:55

09-24 11:55

09-24 10:55

Q: Even if I am in menopause or menopauseIs it better to have sex continued to be more youthful?A: For those who are doing nothing, including sex,Female hormone numbers are different
09-24 10:29

Q:更年期や閉経になっても セックスを続けていたほうが若々しくいられて、体調もいいの?A:セックスを含め、何もしていない人としている人では、 女性ホルモンの数値が違います
09-24 09:55

【Sexual questions and troubles of adults】 Is it better to have sex with young people and to have a good physical condition?
09-24 09:29

09-24 08:55

A person becomes frustrated physically and mentally unless physical needs are satisfied. Appetite is also sexual desire. For example, we eat excrement every day if we eat. It is a natural desire. Constipation is that it does not pass that desire. It is painful, is not it?
09-24 08:29

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