


体脂肪がある人も萎縮は弱いかもしれません。脂肪にはエストロゲンを産生するシステムがあり、閉経後に分泌されるエストロゲンは脂肪から作られるものがメインになるからです。だからといって太るのがいいということではありませんが…。日本産科婦人科学会専門医 福山 千代子
10-30 23:55

Even though I think physically, I think that if you have sex you will spread the vagina, I think that a person is more likely to suppress atrophy than a person who does not have that opportunity.Chiyoko Fukuyama Specialist, Japan Obstetrics and Gynecology Association
10-30 23:29

物理的に考えても、セックスをすれば膣を広げることになりますから、その機会がない人よりはある人のほうが萎縮が抑えられるということだと思います。日本産科婦人科学会専門医 福山 千代子
10-30 22:55

10-30 22:29

10-30 21:29

It is said that it hurts just by hitting the bicycle saddle when it becomes a bad person. Although there are individual differences in these symptoms,
10-30 20:55

The vulva and mucosal epithelial layer of the vagina will also become thinner at menopause and will shrink. It alone causes pain, itching, dryness, frequent urination, urinary urgency (suddenly, you want to have enough pee to endure it).
10-30 20:29

10-30 19:55

10-30 18:55

A: After menopause, anyone can atrophy the vagina, but degree, timing, symptoms accompanying it vary greatly among individuals
10-30 18:29

Q: How does the vagina change when the hormonal balance changes in menopause, menopause? Is sexual function and so on weakening?
10-30 17:55

Q:更年期、閉経でホルモンバランスが変化すると、膣はどんなふうに変わるの? 性的機能なども衰えていくの?A:閉経後、誰でも膣は萎縮するが、度合い、時期、それに伴う症状などは個人差が大きい
10-30 17:29

Menopause, with menopause, does the vagina change? What is sexual function?
10-30 16:55

更年期、閉経で、膣は変わるの? 性的機能は?
10-30 16:29

No matter how old you feel the sex feels good, some people get secretions. There seems to be something sometimes can not be said only by hormonal decline.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
10-30 15:55

どんなに年をとってもセックスが気持ちいいと感じると、分泌液が出る人もいます。あながちホルモンの低下だけでは語れないこともあるようです。医学博士 関口由紀
10-30 15:29

How old you can have sex, not not, but you can do as many as you want. As long as you have a partner, there are a lot of people who have sex at the age of 70 or 80. Because some people do until they die.
10-30 14:55

10-30 14:29

Q: How can a woman sex without women?A: Sex can be done even by what age. Sensitivity is not related to age
10-30 13:55

Q:女は一生なんていいますが、いくつまでセックスできるの?A:セックスは何歳まででもできるもの。  感度も年齢には関係ありません
10-30 13:29

【Sex questions and troubles of adults】 How many sex can you do?
10-30 12:55

10-30 12:29

In other words, even though phenomena such as decreasing female hormone are the same, the cause of the person whose sexual desire is stronger after menopause and the person who becomes weaker can be said to be true / reverse. Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
10-30 11:55

Furthermore, the fact that the reproductive function as a woman "It became a body that a child can not give" is lost is one factor that weakens libido.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
10-30 11:29

さらに「子どもが産めない体になった」という、女性としての生殖機能がなくなったことが、性欲を弱くする一因になる人もいます。つまり、女性ホルモンの減少といった現象は同じでも、閉経後に性欲が強くなる人と弱くなる人の原因は真逆といえます。医学博士 関口由紀
10-30 10:55

Female hormone estrogen, one of its ingredients, when the estradiol figure falls below 10, feelings of accepting men will also decrease. Women who do not want to have postmenopausal sex are said to have this tendency, but the clear reason is not clear.
10-30 10:29

10-30 09:55

People with weakened libido do not want to do because sexual pain is present at sex, as the estrogen decreases, the vagina dries and atrophies, sex, and it hurts. It is a case that motivation disappears of them.
10-30 09:29

10-30 08:55

However, some people keep 20 to 50 even after menopause, and sexual desire is stronger due to the influence of male hormones.
10-30 08:29

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