


11-12 23:55

On the other hand, 50.0% or more does not end with ejaculation in couple's sex with over forty. With age, there are many cases that sex does not result in ejaculation, but many people think that it would be fine if the wife is satisfied.
11-12 23:29

11-12 22:55

11-12 21:55

It is not necessarily true that men get satisfied only by erection and ejaculation. But it is certain that ejaculation is more satisfying. As with urination and defecation, physiologically, there is pleasure in release.
11-12 21:29

11-12 20:55

Q: Can men get satisfied only by erection and ejaculation?A: Although not necessarily, ejaculation is more satisfactory.
11-12 20:29

11-12 19:55

What is "satisfaction" of men ... [Sex of mind]Can men get satisfied only by erection and ejaculation?Anna's sexual doubt & answers the trouble
11-12 19:29

11-12 18:55

配偶者の有無にかかわらず、40代の80.4%、50代の69.2%がこの1カ月に1度以上マスターベーションをしたと回答。同調査で女性の回答をみると、40代で42.6%、50代で23.3%。男性に比べるとかなり低い数字だ。[ジェクス]ジャパン・セックス・サーベイ 2013年版
11-12 17:55

About 50% of men in their 50s alsoI am masturbating▼ Have you masturbated in the past month? (Men only)20's = 93.9%30's = 88.6%40's = 80.4%50's = 69.2%60's = 45.0%[Jex] Japan sex survey 2013 edition
11-12 17:29

50代でも男性は約7割の人がマスターベーションをしている▼ この1カ月にマスターベーションをしましたか?(男性のみ)20代=93.9%30代=88.6%40代=80.4%50代=69.2%60代=45.0%[ジェクス]ジャパン・セックス・サーベイ 2013年版
11-12 16:55

In the process leading to marriage, at first there are many people fuming each other fellowship. Sexual lives also compromise. You can refer to various information and think that "I will try this next time", it will be more and more consistent.
11-12 16:29

結婚にいたる過程も、最初はお互い手探りで付き合いながら…という人が多いのでは。性生活も歩み寄り。いろいろな情報を参考にしてもいいし、「今度これを試してみよう」とか、そうやってだんだんしっくり合ってくるものだと思います。日経WOMAN Online 産婦人科医 早乙女智子
11-12 15:55

Even if there is compatibility, it is more rare to match exactly. I think that sex is important to how much I can think of other people.Nikkei WOMAN Online Obstetrician Medicine Saotome Tomoko
11-12 15:29

相性があるとしても、ぴったり一致することのほうがまれでしょう。セックスって相手のことをどれだけ思いやれるかが重要だと思います。日経WOMAN Online 産婦人科医 早乙女智子
11-12 14:55

初心者だと、膣の深さや位置が高めの人、低めの人とか、ペニスの長さなどで、体の相性のようなものはあるのかもしれませんが、それは体位を工夫すればいいだけのことです。 日経WOMAN Online 産婦人科医 早乙女智子
11-12 13:55

Q: I often hear that the compatibility of the body is good,What does this mean?A: It is rare to match exactly.Will it gradually become better while telling each other
11-12 13:29

11-12 12:55

[Sono doubts & troubles of adults] I often hear that the compatibility of the body is good, but what does this mean?
11-12 12:29

11-12 11:55

In the 60's, a woman who gains orgasm during sex exceeds 80%, so it is easy to see that a couple having sex with years has more communication.[Jex] Japan sex survey 2013 edition
11-12 11:29

60代で、セックスの最中にオーガズムを得る女性が80%を超えていることから、年を重ねてもセックスをしているカップルは、コミュニケーションがよりとれていることがうかがえる。[ジェクス]ジャパン・セックス・サーベイ 2013年版
11-12 10:55

It is necessary to convey the request once every three times, sometimes the woman on top posture of woman on top posture, female-oriented posture, and compassion to support men casually is not necessary.
11-12 10:29

11-12 09:55

11-12 08:55

I do not know orgasm, but if you have a good relationship with your partner and you regularly accept sex, please obediently reveal your request. The pleasure of male sex is to make the other woman type. If a woman does not tell a request, men's technique will not improve as well.
11-12 08:29

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