


It is soap for delicate zones that will wash out the source of the odor. "Jamu" is a herb that is transmitted in Indonesia from long ago. We can care for delicate parts gently.
12-03 23:55

12-03 23:29

2. Blackhead careHorny that accumulates with age will also cause darkening. "I can not see it anyhow ......" Although I tend to neglect care, I also love him with confidence in my favorite, even to the corners of the body, the charm will deepen just by keeping dirty dirt care.
12-03 22:55

2. 黒ずみケア年齢を重ねると蓄積されていく角質は、黒ずみの原因になることも。「どうせよく見えないし……」とケアを軽視しがちですが、大好きな彼に自信をもって愛されるためにも、カラダのすみずみまで、黒ずみ汚れケアをしておくだけでも魅力が深まりますよ。
12-03 22:29

Because it is an adult woman, we want to keep nioike firm as an etiquette.
12-03 21:55

3つのデリケートゾーンのエイジングケアポイント1. ニオイケア敏感なデリケートゾーンは“エクリン腺”、“皮脂腺”、“アポクリン腺”が集中している部位。加齢でニオイが発生しやすい部分でもあり、女性ホルモンが減少する年頃になると酸化しやすくなり、よりニオイが強くなる可能性が。
12-03 19:55

実際にLCラブコスメがデリケートゾーンについて「年齢とともに気になってきたこと」を200名の女性に調査したところ、以下のような結果となりました。1位 見た目・明るさ2位 ニオイの元3位 肌質※2015年9月LCラブコスメ調査/女性200名回答
12-03 18:55

The delicate zone will also grow old!Believe that "body care for him is perfect!" Maybe you are headed for a date, but can you say confidently with confidence to underwear that you do not usually see? In caseThree points to keep "young invisible" youthful
12-03 18:29

デリケートゾーンも老ける!「彼のためのボディケアは完璧!」と信じてデートに向かっているかもしれませんが、普段は目に触れない下着の中まで、自信をもってキレイと言えますか? “見えないトコロ”まで若々しく保つ3つのポイント
12-03 17:55

Urinary leakage occurs mainly when the front side of the pelvic floor is damaged. Loosening of the vagina and uterus come down are cases where the middle or the back side of the pelvic floor is damaged.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
12-03 17:29

In the case of a wife, the baby 's head gets different at different parts of muscles and ligaments depending on where they passed, in front of the pelvic floor, in the middle, behind the pelvic floor, so the way they get out is different.Medical Doctor Yuki Sekiguchi
12-03 16:55

Training of the pelvic floor muscle which has the effect of eliminating the loosening of the vagina improves not only the pelvic floor muscles but also the vaginal blood flow, so that the vagina plumps to be able to support the urethra, urine leakage also improves I will.
12-03 15:55

12-03 15:29

尿漏れと膣のゆるみは関連性がありますが、尿漏れするから膣がゆるんでいるとは必ずしもいえません。 エストロゲンの低下によって膣が萎縮して弾力性がなくなると、隣り合う尿道を十分に支えることができなくなり、尿漏れを起こすことがあります。
12-03 14:29

【Sex doubts & troubles of adults】 Recently, urine leakage is anxious. Is this vagina loose?
12-03 13:55

12-03 13:29

性的欲求不満をどのように解消していますか?男184人 女83人 複数回答自然に解消=男16%VS女48%我慢している=男20%VS女8%他の趣味、スポーツ等で解消=男23%VS女25%AV、ポルノ雑誌で解消=男21%VS女4%自慰=男42%VS女33%風俗を利用=男5%VS女0%売春=男2%VS女0%
12-03 12:29

The way to solve it when there is sexual frustration,There is not much difference between the ages of 40 to 60. Compared to many women who can resolve themselves naturally, men are masturbation and it seems that there is a strong tendency to resolve by causing some action.
12-03 11:55

12-03 11:29

12-03 10:29

The way to solve it when there is sexual frustration,Secondly, the man is "resolved by doing other things such as hobbies and sports, meetings with friends," and women cite "masturbation".
12-03 09:55

The way to solve it when there is sexual frustration,In the first place, it was the result that the man was "masturbation" the most, and the women "the naturally resolve" the most.
12-03 09:29

12-03 08:55

Q: How do you eliminate sexual frustration?A: About 40% of men are masturbating. Fifty percent of women are resolved naturally
12-03 08:29

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